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The Goodjelly Blog

Re-Matter Your Creative Adventure

By Christine Carron

Does your art matter? And by art, I mean whatever creative endeavor you practice. That could be writing, or painting, or quality assurance, or dog training, or jujitsu, or anything. We are human beings with awesome brains and applying those brains in any context, in my book,...

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Open Space Your Creative Flow

By Christine Carron

Unstoppable creative flow requires both structure and spaciousness. Most productivity approaches focus on the structure. They propose—and in some cases insist—that consistent forward momentum is only possible if you force yourself into repeating patterns that...

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Clarity and Creative Flow

By Christine Carron

A powerful action you can take on behalf of your creative adventure is to embrace clarity. Clarity sometimes shows up as grand flashes of insight. Those are valuable experiences and to be cherished, for sure. There is, however, a humbler clarity, built day in and day...

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Free Play Days for Progress Heydays

By Christine Carron

A few weeks ago, I had to manage a seriously heightened level of creative work. Deadlines for my corporate client. Deadlines for some classes I am taking. And deadlines for delivering to the folks in Goodjelly’s programs. All was fabulously fun and engaging work, but for...

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Boogie Down with Smart Process

By Christine Carron

When you think about process in context of getting your creative work done, I'm guessing words like “groovy,” “fun” and “wheeee!” don’t pop into mind. Many folks associate process (and productivity) with concepts like restriction, ...

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The Importance of You Doing You

By Christine Carron

If you want unstoppable creative flow, you have to put YOU into the equation of how you’re getting your creative work done. 

Traditional productivity approaches bamboozle us into thinking that the context of us is irrelevant to our forward momentum. It’s as if...

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The Art of Pausing: A Key to Creative Flow

No. 165 | By Christine Carron

Imagine for a moment that you had to read a three-hundred page book that had no punctuation, no capitalization, no line breaks, no chapter breaks, no chapter headers, and no page numbers. Just page after page after page of unbroken text. One long beast of a run-on...

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Claim a Fresh Start Boost

No. 164 | By Christine Carron

It’s that time of year. The start of school is almost upon us. Can you feel it? The new school year energy? I can. I will even bravely acknowledge my extreme childhood nerdiness quotient by admitting that I loved starting school each year. Adored it. For me the...

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Flirt with Your Creative Work

No. 163 | By Christine Carron

Do  you have fun getting your creative work done? If not, your productivity could be suffering.

Growing research shows that the way we engage in our work impacts how fast we get that work done. It even impacts our ability to get our creative work done at all....

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Mastering the Mud & Muck of the Writing Adventure

No. 162 | By Christine Carron

One of my favorite poems is To Be of Use by Marge Piercy*. The poem starts with a simple declaration—The people I love the best / jump into work head first. The poem pays homage to the very human yearning for work “that is real.” 


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Bite-Sizing Your Writerly Work

No. 161 | By Christine Carron

Imagine you have to (get to) eat a pizza. A big pizza. Do you pick up the whole pizza and start chowing down? No. You pick up one slice. Do you eat the whole slice at once? No. You take one bite at a time.

It’s impossible to eat a pizza in one bite. Even ...

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Time Poor No More

No. 160 | By Christine Carron

Have you ever felt time poor when it comes to your writing? If you have, then I'm guessing you also know how much of a distraction it can be. Instead of focusing on the work at hand, you get fixated on the time you don't have but believe you...

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