Learn How to Jam

The Goodjelly Blog

Fear Not, Write On

No. 159 | By Christine Carron

Can you think of a writerly task that scares you? Perhaps it’s getting your work critiqued. Perhaps it’s reading the feedback from a critique. Perhaps it's tackling marketing. Or doing author talks. Perhaps it’s drafting. Or revising. Or going to a...

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Finessing Uncertainty

No. 158 | By Christine Carron

Sometimes it feels like the only certain thing on the writing adventure is uncertainty. We might work for years on a project only to abandon it when we realize it doesn’t work. We may get a project done and then experience rejection after rejection. We may get...

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Exuberant Productivity is Possible

No. 157 | By Christine Carron

When you think about being productive, what comes to mind? Perhaps phrases like buckle down or crack the whip flit through your brain. Or you start mapping out a time and task schedule that is so intensive you maintain it for a week at most—which is when you...

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Annual Planning Tips for Writers

No. 156 | By Christine Carron

Last week I piloted the Plan for Done (PFD2023) challenge, where I taught writers how to plan their writing year ahead, Goodjelly-style. It was a grand success. I am thrilled with the energy and spaciousness that was created for the writers who...

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Tend to Your Writing Dreams

No. 155 | By Christine Carron

This whole Goodjelly adventure started with a dream of helping writers create more confidence, ease, and flow on their writing journey. So in honor of the blog's 3-year anniversary, something a little different. 


Tend to Your Writing Dreams

They keep you...

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Get More Writing Done Faster

No. 154 | By Christine Carron

One of the most powerful  actions you can take on behalf of your writing and your writing productivity is to be more intentional about how you design your writerly work. When you do, it is easier to get your writing done. Stress and struggle subside. Confidence...

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7 Reasons to Get Lost on the Writing Adventure

No. 153 | By Christine Carron

A few days ago, I went to get a sandwich. The sandwich place is in the next town over. The normal way to get there takes me through a stretch of gnarly local traffic.

On a whim, I decided to get lost on purpose. (This was actually possible as I left my cell phone,...

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How to Cultivate Creative Confidence

No. 152 | By Christine Carron

I have been on a mission to improve my pushups this year. (Translation: To actually be able to do at least one solid, full-plank pushup.) I’ve made progress, but not as much as my ego would have preferred. 

The source of my struggles? My right shoulder. It...

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The 3 Writerly Compassions

No. 151 | By Christine Carron

How have you been kind to yourself and your writing this week?

The first time I stated that question aloud while teaching one of the reflection processes in Goodjelly’s Jam method, there was a collective laugh from the three writers in the...

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5 Writing Productivity "Force Multipliers"

No. 150 | By Christine Carron

One way to increase your writing productivity is to increase the number of writing productivity force multipliers you utilize. A writing productivity force multiplier is any tool, process, strategy, or tactic that helps you get your writing done with greater ease,...

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Have You Had Your Writing Tantrum Today?

No. 149 | By Christine Carron

Parker Richards opens his New York Times opinion piece, Down With Efficiency! (When We Get Around to It.), with this line: “We are no longer achieving an acceptable level of whimsy.” 

Hear, hear, Mr. Richards. And this dearth of whimsy is doubly...

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Bulk Up Your Writing Defensive Moves

No. 148 | By Christine Carron

In high school, I was both the varsity football team’s water girl and the drum major of the marching band. Fulfilling those roles required me to make quick changes behind the scoreboard both before and after halftimes. Despite my past proximity to the game, I...

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