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The Goodjelly Blog

No Time For Craft Practice, Writer?

No. 147 | By Christine Carron

Are you getting as much craft practice in as you want? As much as you know would help you grow as a writer and achieve what you want on the page? If not, you are not alone.

Many writers want to have a regular craft practice but they also want to churn out their next...

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Ain't Got No Writerly Satisfaction?

No. 146 | By Christine Carron

When writers start working with me, I have them respond to a series of statements, indicating how true—or not true—each statement is for them. One of the statements asks if they are satisfied with their writing progress. 

Most writers disagree with...

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Nice Isn’t Nice for Your Writing Productivity

No. 145 | By Christine Carron

For me—and for Goodjelly—the three pillars of sustainable writing productivity are smart process, grounded power, and inner kindness. It never occurred to me to make the third pillar inner niceness.

Indeed, I’d never really thought deeply about the...

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The 2023 Goodjelly Writing Planning Compendium

No. 144 | By Christine Carron

It’s that time of year again. We are a skip, hop, and jump away from the final quarter of the year. That means even if you don’t consider yourself much of a planner, you are likely going to feel some energy pulling you to take stock, assess, and get into...

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"Science Mind" Your Writing Adventure

No. 143 | By Christine Carron

On all the group coaching sessions in Goodjelly’s programs, at the end, I invite writers to identify a “favorite frame” or a “gem” from the call. Recently, one of the the writer’s gems had to do with her ongoing surprise at how...

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Variations on Writing Progress

No. 142 | By Christine Carron

Once upon a time, I stood up in a personal growth workshop, filled with about two hundred other women, and stated that I had never been on a date. I was in my thirties. 

I still have a twinge of embarrassment about that moment. It was not an accurate statement,...

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The Toll of Inner Stinginess

No. 141 | By Christine Carron

Stinginess is an unwillingness to spend and a lack of generosity. “Inner Stinginess” is the phrase I coined for the tendency I’ve noticed in myself and other writers that adds an edge of harshness to how we run our writing adventures.

For example,...

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Fierce Inner Kindness as a Writing Superpower

No. 140 | By Christine Carron

On a recent group coaching call with the writers in the Jam Straight program, we were discussing how to stay motivated in the face of rejections and uncertainty. Part of my answer included the suggestion to practice “fierce inner kindness.”

Inner Kindness...

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Stuck to Unstoppable

No. 139 | By Christine Carron

Goodjelly’s 100% focus on writing productivity using process and mindset tools is unique. Writers learn no craft in my programs. They don’t share their work for critiques. They don’t have to critique anyone’s work.

So what do we get up to in a...

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R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Your R.E.S.I.S.T.A.N.C.E.

No. 138 | By Christine Carron

In Aretha Franklin’s Respect, she uses the acronym TCB, or taking care of business. Goodjelly is about helping writers take care of business no matter the circumstances.

Even when we are in resistance. Perhaps especially when we’re in resistance, because...

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Ditch Writing Despair. Embrace Writing Delight.

No. 137 | By Christine Carron

At the end of last year, I decided to do some strategic thinking activities for Goodjelly. I wanted to take all the clarity I’d gained by walking the talk of this endeavor—both through the weekly blogging I’d done for two years and through welcoming...

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Ready, Set, Prep! Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo

No. 136 | By Christine Carron

It’s high summer and perhaps the last thing you are thinking about is what you are going to be doing in November. But come the day after Halloween, hundreds of thousands of writers around the globe will be participating in National Novel Writing Month, a.k.a.,...

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